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Sunset Blush [Semi-Sweet Blush Wine]

by Vinoklet Winery

Updated: Feb 27, 2021

Sunset Blush is sold at the winery in Colerain, in local stores, and online.

Traminette Wine - Dry White Wine
Sunset Blush - Semi-Sweet Blush Wine

Sunset Blush is a semi-sweet wine made with a blend of Catawba, Vidal Blanc, and Niagara grapes. Aromatic Fruit with a zesty finish.

Sunset Blush is another Ohio River Valley Favorite, that has won a number of awards in both local and international competitions.

Sunset Blush Medals range from bronze in 2000 at the Indy International Wine Competition to A Silver at the Best of the Midwest Competition in 2018.

Additional medals include two more Bronze Medals & a Silver from the Indy International Wine Competition and 5 Bronze Medals from the Ohio Wine Competition between 2002 & 2017.

Ohio currently has 340 wineries and hosts the Ohio Wine Competition (OWC) each year

Catawba Grapes

Vidal Blanc Grape - Tears of Joy Vinoklet Wine
Catawba Grape

Catawba is a red American grape variety used for wine as well as juice, jams and jellies. The grape can have a pronounced musky or "foxy" flavor.[2] Grown predominantly on the East Coast of the United States, this purplish-red grape is a likely cross of the Native American Vitis labrusca and the Vitis vinifera cultivar Semillon.[3][4] Its exact origins are unclear but it seems to have originated somewhere on the East coast from the Carolinas to Maryland.

Catawba played an important role in the early history of American wine. During the early to mid-19th century, it was the most widely planted grape variety in the country and was the grape behind Nicholas Longworth's acclaimed Ohio sparkling wines that were distributed as far away as California and Europe.

Catawba is a late-ripening variety, ripening often weeks after many other labrusca varieties and, like many vinifera varieties, it can be susceptible to fungal grape diseases such as powdery mildew.

Vidal Blanc & Niagra Grapes

Vidal Blanc Grape - Tears of Joy Vinoklet Wine
Vidal Blanc Grape

According to Wikipedia "Vidal blanc is a white hybrid grape variety produced from the Vitis vinifera variety Ugni blanc and another hybrid variety, Rayon d'Or. It is a very winter-hardy variety that manages to produce high sugar levels in cold climates with moderate to high acidity."

Niagara Grape - Vinoklet Winery Dreamer Wine.   Picture from Double A Vineyard
Niagara Grape - Picture from Double A Vineyard

"Niagara grapes are a variety of the North American grape species Vitis labrusca (botanical family Vitaceae) and are used as table grapes and for wines, as well as jams and juice.[1] Niagara is the leading green grape grown in the United States. A purple variety, known as "pink" niagara (niágara rosada), exists and is the main niagara cultivated in southern Brazil, principally in the states of São Paulo, where the variety first occurred in 1933,[2] and Rio Grande do Sul. The Niagara grape was created in Niagara County, New York, in 1868 when Claudius L. Hoag and Benjamin W. Clark cross-bred Concord grapes with white Cassady grapes. It was first sold commercially in 1882. Niagara grapes are considered to be poor shipping grapes, and so are usually only found near where they are grown. They are most commonly found in the United States in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan, Washington, and Ohio, and are also grown in Ontario in Canada, as well as in Brazil, and New Zealand. While only rarely available fresh outside these areas, Niagara grapes are well known to most American consumers as the source of most white grape juice."

Dreamer most closely resembles a semi-sweet wine like a White Zinfandel.

Dreamer is sold at the winery in Colerain, in local stores, and online.

Tears of Joy Wine Chart
This wine chart was originally provided by

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