Happy Holidays to you and your family! From our Family to Yours! Help support local businesses and drink Award Winning Vinoklet Wine in the process.
Pick up wine at the Vineyard and Save!!
Save Time with Curbside Delivery!
Save Money with 10% Off!

Holiday Wine Sale!
Order Online and have it shipped!
Or, Curbside Delivery,
Or, Come on in and say hi, we would love to see you!
Normally you get 10% off a case of 12 but for a limited time, you will receive a special holiday sale of 10% off of a case of 6 bottles.
Get 6 bottles of your favorite wine,
or finish your Christmas Shopping in one Stop
with 10% off of a case of 6 full-size bottles of wine

Limited Time Promotion - In Winery Only
Please mention the discount when purchasing 6 bottles of wine in the same purchase.
Looking for other holiday Gift Ideas?
We also have Gist Certificates for any amount at the winery,
We also now have Gift Cards at Kroger
Call (513) 385-9309 for Gift Certificate or Gift Card Details

Wishing you a Safe & Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas!
Yes!!! The perfect stocking stuffer has arrived!
Stop in and pick up a case of full-size bottles,
Stop in and pick up a bunch of cute, fun-size bottles that are perfect
to give that little elf that could use a splash of award-winning wine in their stocking!